Tear Down Academic Obstacles of Our Own Making
We will better measure the impact of our pedagogy and curricular requirements on retention and remove unnecessary obstacles to student success, including simplifying and reducing major requirements in certain fields. We will make it far easier for students to engage in interdisciplinary study, across majors or graduate fields.
Prove the Relevance of a Broad Education in the Humanities
In the tradition of Jesuit higher education, we insist that undergraduates receive a broad education, learning the insights of different disciplines and forever broadening their perspectives. We should make the relevance of those experiences more apparent and accessible. We will designate paths through the Loyola Core so that students can match the knowledge and skills they need to their own interests: (1) diversity, equity, and inclusion, (2) creativity and culture, (3) nature and humanity, and (4) the economic enterprise. We will design core courses more exciting and obviously relevant to non-majors.